
Davids Tea, Entertainment District

11:16 PM

336 Queen St West
Toronto Ontario
M5V 2A2 Canada
Cafe - Tea shop - $3/cuppa

This David guy, he must get all of the ladies. 

I've walked past this place times a many. A place to stock up on tea I've always thought of it, a store much like T2 in Sydney (Australia). But having a seat in this cafe two arvos ago has changed my mind completely. 

It was sprinkling as we were rushing towards the door. Oh! A patio. Canadians sure do love their patios. The furnishing of the patio reminded me much of the attire of Alice in Wonderland with the colours, along with the two slightly oversized wooden chairs. I would love to chill here one day, when the weather isn't absurd!

Upon our steps towards the counter, we were immediately presented with sampler paper cups of a tea whose name slips my mind. It was very fragrant and warming. I looked to the shelves behind the chattering staff members and could only very slightly grasp of their words, nodding and amazed by the incredible amount of teas they had stocked along the walls. A few of their 'fall' teas were then pushed towards us for a sniff. They each had an amazing fragrant, well suited to their name, Mango Lassi, Pumpkin Pie, Cocoberry, Mom's Apple Pie, Sugar and Spice and Pistachio Cream my mind (or nose) was particularly fond of Cocoberry and Mango Lassi (Side note: I tried my first Mango Lassi from Harbourfront Centre the other day! Was - only $2 - and DELICIOUS).

After 10 minutes or so of chilling and waiting for our drinks, we were hollered at (hola at cho gurl) and went up to the counter to pay. I was ready to take out a fiver and unzipped my change purse "Gold Rush, $3 please.", dropping the tooney and looney into the cashier's hand, I felt like I was ripping her off. I walked back to my seat with my warm cup of tea in my right hand and sat down to finish being amazed at the low price.

I opened it up, oh boy. The heavenly scent of our teas crawled up out of the spout and gave us a nice slap in the face. This is fantastic.  A cup of this for $3? And hold up, that's with whatever add-ons you please! Screw Tim Hortons (not that I've ever tried their teas... or have any go-to place for tea).

1. Cocoberry with Agave nectar and Soy milk ($3)
Black Tea, black currant, mango, barberry, coffee bean, juniper berry, hibiscus, roasted yerba mate, lucuma powder, acerola powder, baobab fruit powder, acai powder, coffee flavor, natural strawberry flavor, natural and artificial plum, sugar cane and cherry flavour.
Boy, that was a long ingredients list. This was my friend's drink. Althought I thought mine tasted great, hers was that step up. It reminded me of the Brookside Dark Chocolate Covered Goji Berries lollies we have stashed in the cupboard. So, it simply tastes of hints of berries and chocolate. Which is delicious! I will definitely be having this next time, with a double dosage of Agave nectar, because I'm a sweet-pea like that ;).

2. Gold Rush with Soy milk ($3)
Mulberries, coconut and white silver needle tea with natural and organic flavouring
Simple and great! Even though I was recommended not to have sweetener with this, I had a sip, and went ahead to the condiments table to pour a nice helping of sugar in. I am one to overdose my cuppa. And it was a fantastic idea!


Such chill seating, a place of wonderful service at a great price tag. I will definitely come again and will be ordering with Cocoberry with a double dosage of sweetener! The patio is calling my name!

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