
Johnny Rockets, Downtown/Ryerson University

8:59 AM

22 Dundas St
Toronto Ontario
M7A 2C7 Canada
American - Burgers - Diner - Specials

I attended University around the corner from Johnny Rockets and have always walked past this joint, always peeping at their menu stuck up along the windows. Cheesy, greasy goodness. A 50's diner along with waitresses to match. There were also mini jukeboxes against the wall at a few of the booths. I happily looked at the menu. Meals starting from $12, each burger was served with fries, salad or soup.

I thought it was fantastic, individually plastic wrapped straws!

Route 66 ($11.99)
A Beef Patty with Swiss Cheese, Grilled Mushrooms, Grilled Onions and Mayonnaise, with fries on side.
Look at those thick slices of crunchy pickles. The burger was tasty! I loved the cheesy and soft bites of mushroom and onion. The beef was not greasy at all, the bun was nice and soft. I didn't feel disgusting after this. I would leave out the fries (or sub it for onion rings) next time though, drenching it in ketchup didn't make it any more appealing either. 

Popping my pickles in, ready for my first bite!

The whole menu is overpriced, especially since I was only satisfied with the burger! 
I would definitely skip the fries next time.

Johnny Rockets on Urbanspoon

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