
Guilt-free Organic Hotdogs with Beretta Farms

1:17 PM

Beretta Family Farms has changed the mystery meat playing field with a line of organic, entirely flavorsome and guilt-free hot dogs, across chicken, turkey and beef. It's simple: all organic and all Canadian!

Hot dogs have had the worst wrap for as long as I could remember. Growing up, with every visit to the downtown core, I would often salivate over the heavenly grilling aromas stretching throughout the streets. Just as a fella would spot a boyfriend seat in a store, I could easily spot a hot dog stand within my peripheral. I would eyeball the cart from the opposite intersection and pair the addictive aromas to an imaginary hot dog sitting in my own hands; a surface of perfectly blistered, slightly charred skin, and within a bite, the insides bursting, glowing a meaty red. At the queue of the green light, my older sister would tug my arm and halt my hopes and dreams of becoming one with the dirty, dirty street meat. In further bursting my bubble, I would be reminded of the questionable miscellaneous sludge that sausages are solidified from. Now, with Beretta’s new line, hot dogs will no longer be questionable. At Beretta Farms, they have revolutionized the “mystery meat” imagery.

My game plan for the #BerettaDogDays? To try all three of Beratta's glorious guilt-free hot dogs.

There's no mystery here! Beretta's Organic Hotdogs have the most narrow ingredient list compared to it's competitors. Antibiotic, preservative and nitrate free! Prepare your eyes.

First to go: the Turkey Beretta Farms Hotdog adorned with jalapeño, pickles, two type of onions, mayonnaise and two mustards. This piece was slightly gamey and had a delicious bite to it!


Mottos to live by.

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The Organic Beef, and absolutely nitrate & preservative free Hotdog ready to become bedazzled!

Completely dressed-up Organic Beef Beretta Farms Hotdog

These organic hotdogs are the tastiest and healthiest alternative, available in 6-packs for $10.99.


The perfect pair to a beautiful sunny day and a hot dog in hand, it's a well-made Walter Caesar in the other! Rimmed and garnished with pickled beans, along with a salami stick, there's nothing better.

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What's my favorite part of eating a hot dog? It is without a doubt, the condiments! The condiment table set during the Beretta Farm’s Hot Dog Launch could not be forgotten here. This is all necessary information for future saucing and condiment references. The benchmark is three sauces on your bun at the very minimum.


Last but not least, my Organic Chicken Hotdog, dressed in a row of jalapeños, corn, red onions, and, you bet it, two glorious Maille mustards! Each delicious, the Turkey was my favourite.

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