
Hello Happy, Strathfield

10:42 PM

Super filled from our meal at Mario Tokyo, we crossed the street heading for either Sweet Memory or Hello Happy. Hello Happy was a lot closer.... (than walking a few stores to the left), so, we went for Hello Happy! It was nice and toasty inside, displays lit up with along either sides of the store filled with sweets.

Look at how inviting that sign is! All cutesy!

We only wanted one thing. There were so many to choose from!
Out of the overwhelming choices, we settled for a Mocha Cake ($5.50) to share.

We were both pretty full, but gobbled it down anyway. Look how beautifully detailed it is! The way the icing is sprinkled, the swirl of mocha cream, the teeniest wafer and a coffee bean. The layers were beautiful, the top was layered in some sort of soft caramel flavour. Delicious!

May cost a bit more than your average slice of cake, but the sweets are tasty and absolute eye candy, well worth the price for the effort. I'd love to come here again to try another one of their cakes and a cute latte!

Hello Happy
22 The Boulevarde
Strathfield, NSW
2135 Australia

Hello Happy on Urbanspoon

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